Our Story

S & S Glass Company was founded by Sue and Scott Weingart in 1985. It all started back in college, 1977.  Scott worked as an apprentice for a glass company part-time.  Scott was naturally handy and became fascinated by the glass and mirror industry.  This became his passion and after graduation he went to work full time. Sue graduated with a B.A. in Business and a minor in Psychology and worked for the A.B. Dick Company, but to have her own business was always a dream. 

We married in 1981, and 4 years later with our first child on the way, we made the decision to become business owners.  We owned a small town home that had the space to build a garage and  that was our first location!    The business grew quickly and 2 years later we moved to a retail space in Skokie.


We are proud to say S & S Glass Company has come full circle.  Now Thirty-three years later our daughter Ali has joined the family business.  Ali worked 15 years as GM for several high end fashion retailers and adds her management talents to our team..and as a added bonus she brings our first granddaughter to work with her, nepotism at its finest.   

We are still continue to learn and grow by keeping up with the latest trends and technology in the glass and mirror industry.  We service the entire Chicago land metropolitan area including residential, commercial and industrial.

We would love to hear from you, no job is ever to small.

Thanks for reading.

Sue & Scott Weingart